As you know, today marks the 13th anniversary of the September 11th tragedy. On days like today, it’s really hard to post anything to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. without feeling foolish and insensitive. So don’t.
If your fans and followers are mostly Americans, consider “going dark” and not posting at all. I am sure they can go a full day without hearing from your brand.
Unfortunately, some social media managers seem to have forgotten that they do indeed possess a soul and an ability to reason. Inexcusable. (Luckily, the world has Mike Monteiro to publicly call out poor taste.)
If you feel absolutely compelled or forced to communicate via social media today on behalf of a brand; use good judgement and DO NOT post anything close to “Like” or “Retweet” to remember the 9/11 victims, fallen soldiers… Also avoid humor, placing your logo prominently in your “heartfelt” graphics, self-serving messages, and touting special promotions.
Today is not a day for that. Instead, consider using your audience to spread worthwhile information such as how to help military families and support first responders who are now facing severe health issues linked to 9/11. If you must communicate, do some social good.
Whatever you decide to do, do not cheapen the memory of those we lost on that fateful day.
You can resume “business as usual” tomorrow.
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