Last Minute BLACK FRIDAY Marketing Hints

Yes, the date that causes food-drunk people to rush towards areas of commerce at alarming rates is almost upon us. If you’re a retailer, then you really want a big ol’ piece of the Black Friday pie.

Think you waited too long to put some marketing pushes into action? Think again. The following suggestions can be completed quickly as time ticks down!


Create a Useful Infographic Map for Black Friday Shoppers 

Personally, this is my favorite Black Friday marketing idea.

A shopping guide could be just the thing to help customers find all the deals and products they are seeking! Have any especially popular or hot items? Slap their location on the map! You can have a lot of fun with this idea. If you’re located in a shopping center, consider teaming up with other retailers to make a downloadable guide. You can also include food and drink vendors for ‘shop til you drop breaks.’ (Uhhh, Auntie Anne’s pretzels anyone…) Share this goody via your social media accounts and encourage others to do the same. Customers will be thankful for any ‘edge’ you can give them in their shopping odyssey.


Post Store Hours Information

This might seem obvious, but be sure to make your holiday hours clear via social media. Sure, your website has these hours listed but make sure your social media following is aware too. With so many retailers opening and closing at different times to support the Black Friday rush, you wouldn’t want customers to be left in the dark. Mentioning your opening and closing times allows for you to open Black Friday dialogue with fans and also supply them with information that won’t be ignored.

The easier shoppers can access this information, the more likely your store will make their shopping circuit.


Monitor Social Media Channels & Keep Engaging

It’s the day after Thanksgiving, but make sure eyes are on your social media accounts in case any issues arise. Customer service is a 24/7 deal.

Take advantage of social media avenues on Black Friday itself; highlight specials, snap attractive photos of available products to share on Instagram, update customers on restocking efforts, and tweet back at customers mentioning your brand on Twitter. Consider selecting an appropriate Twitter and Instagram hashtag and use it ahead of Black Friday and through the shopping holiday. Be sure to research the hashtag you select to make sure it’s not trending or in use by another brand on both platforms.

Overall, ensure that the information you are sharing is helpful, well executed, and informative to avoid being lost in the clutter of Black Friday madness and brand chatter.


Black Friday Branding Across All Channels

Make your Black Friday participation really noticeable by updating your social media graphics to match the event. Think cover photos, profile pictures, etc. Your website is already festive, why not expand the look across all platforms? Constant Contact created this handy dimensions guide.

Sidenote: How awesome would a branded Pinterest board featuring a Black Friday theme be? This would be a great fit for anything highly visual: food, fashion, children’s toys, home goods, etc. Think about it.




Take these very simple tips and put them into play for additional Black Friday success!

Now onward to Cyber Monday! 😉